[00:00.000] 作词 : 亚仆/靥 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 亚仆/靥 [00:07.490]混音:-靥 [00:11.729]录音:@百鬼抄里studio official [00:12.681]Intro: [00:17.402]Worlds torn apart ain’t nobody know [00:21.329]My walls are crumbling down, now i’m letting go [00:25.489]I’m stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold [00:32.705]副歌: [00:33.842]My worlds torn apart ain’t nobody know [00:37.833]My walls are crumbling down, now I’m letting go [00:42.097]I’m stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold [00:46.393]I’m losin my grip and this feelin its killin me [00:49.226]Needin that somethin to hold [00:50.586]Now that the tables have turned you winnin so [00:54.609]You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know [00:59.026]My heart is achin and I’m faintin while you put on a show [01:03.009]Now with those lies I’m losin my mind [01:06.106]靥: [01:07.106]当我在深渊里张开双眼 [01:08.977]不用太多的光线去装点 [01:11.129]思绪像是野火般燎原 [01:12.905]留下我一人 [01:14.161]独自问苍天 [01:15.465]瘦硕身材显得多稚幼 [01:17.201]山呼海啸前面我赤手 [01:19.154]当我把宿命用力投掷后 [01:21.177]末日来临前为你在滞留 [01:23.673]眼前遍布着荒凉的光景 [01:25.841]无法听到你熟悉的声音 [01:27.954]灾难面前也请你去放心 [01:29.625]光阴似箭 [01:30.713]何曾让你去伤心 [01:32.170]如果不能陪你度白头 [01:34.057]如果前生未曾去回眸 [01:35.937]我也想要去牵着你的手 [01:37.849]末日来临 [01:39.322]你留下 我走 [01:40.362]山川无法隔断你声音 [01:42.537]翻江跨海即使是蜻蜓 [01:44.443]你的呼吸我都用力去倾听 [01:46.370]彼岸的蝴蝶遮住我眼睛 [01:48.713]无法与你 四目相对 [01:50.707]炙热的心又 卸下防备 [01:52.617]看似在躲藏 眼神却装媚 [01:54.513]可太多无味言论 早已经变废 [01:56.961]旧 [01:57.786]你的一切对我而言我竟然也全都猜不透 [02:01.609]为何相爱的证明选择在这场山崩地裂后 [02:05.538]而这一切全 部 够了 [02:07.545]我又怎能奢求以后呢 [02:09.289]消逝在这又有何不可 [02:11.426]过往的桥段早已起皱褶 [02:13.673]副歌: [02:14.065]My worlds torn apart ain’t nobody know [02:17.857]My walls are crumbling down, now I’m letting go [02:22.154]I’m stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold [02:26.425]I’m losin my grip and this feelin its killin me [02:29.410]Needin that somethin to hold [02:30.545]Now that the tables have turned you winnin so [02:34.681]You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know [02:38.761]My heart is achin and I’m faintin while you put on a show [02:42.977]Now with those lies I’m losin my mind [02:47.041]亚仆: [02:47.393]弥漫的尘土伴随龙卷飞扬 [02:48.722]断壁残垣下压着又是谁的肩膀 [02:50.889]七岁的孩子 被迫选择拿起枪 [02:52.921]过了今天晚上明天他又该往哪躲藏 [02:55.065]灰白的建筑盛开鲜红的彼岸花 [02:57.553]还想再喝一碗亲手烹饪的茶 [02:59.625]当我哭泣给我拥抱带我回家 [03:01.673]求你妈妈睁开双眼听听我说的话 [03:04.041]为何只是紧闭双眼躺我身边 [03:06.298]灾厄来临不会抱我带我走远 [03:08.409]看着外面滚滚升起的硝烟 [03:10.313]下颗炮弹会不会落我旁边 [03:12.433]黑色焦土被血渍层层装点 [03:14.545]为何没人欣赏这奇异场面 [03:16.681]捡起半张烧毁的残破照片 [03:18.625]焦黑的边缘挂着半张笑脸 [03:20.737]真的太累了 双腿要断了 [03:22.929]可我明白不走我的命就丢了 [03:24.993]额头鲜血早就已经结成冰了 [03:27.001]伴我一路忠犬死了我果腹了 [03:29.185]我也不知还能走多远路呢 [03:31.289]可能下一秒破片割我喉了 [03:33.233]没有选择只能尽力的活着 [03:35.377]过街老鼠打个洞地洞里活着 [03:37.537]听说鸽子衔着橄榄象征着和平 [03:39.578]和平 属于谁那肯定不是我 [03:41.713]不如把它宰了加上橄榄做成汤 [03:43.818]滋补我身上新多出的伤 [03:45.889]那张全家福还攥在我手上 [03:47.937]里面的我笑的多么阳光 [03:49.993]期待一家人的明天早上 [03:52.025]为何醒来只剩我苟活世上 [03:53.874]副歌: [03:54.170]My worlds torn apart ain’t nobody know [03:58.057]My walls are crumbling down, now I’m letting go [04:02.273]I’m stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold [04:06.401]I’m losin my grip and this feelin its killin me [04:08.985]Needin that somethin to hold [04:10.905]Now that the tables have turned you winnin so [04:14.817]You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know [04:19.089]My heart is achin and I’m faintin while you put on a show [04:23.217]Now with those lies I’m losin my mind