[00:00.00] 作词 : 23Twothree/米卡斯给/Credit [00:01.00] 作曲 : 23Twothree/米卡斯给/Credit [00:02.00] 编曲 : XVIBE [00:07.05]23Twothree: [00:07.08] from the boom to the bap [00:09.06]****这是来自青岛的台风 [00:10.65]用 verse引爆了太空 [00:11.88]他们的心跳和脉搏 [00:13.11]都被我轻巧地带动 [00:14.37]给圈子清掉点害虫 [00:15.69]十个 rapper三个臭 [00:16.89]我跟马思唯同台 [00:18.06]剩下的七个酸个够 [00:19.35] now we back to the old school [00:21.18]回到我讲台 [00:22.38]现在的中专一个班里三个厂牌 [00:24.84]有我的 livehouse粉丝们都想来 [00:27.03]我 punchline多的就像是中国队的奖牌 [00:32.61]1mic1piece1champ [00:32.73] I**** lay back the flow [00:33.51]我抢走配菜和肉 [00:34.74]就像个渣男随意把 beat戏弄 [00:36.90]节奏感被我利用天生带着律动 [00:39.75]我让你刮目相看 [00:40.92]给 verse加入枪弹 [00:42.03] suck美杀不光但 [00:43.41]我站在鸭绿江畔 [00:44.97]现在的 rapper都想变得“美”味 [00:46.86]他们的歌太水了 [00:47.88]欠了一屁股的水费 [00:49.35]米卡斯给: [00:49.71]1 for the money [00:50.43] and2 for the show [00:51.51] we started from the bottom [00:52.86]哥们从无到有 [00:54.66]1 for the money [00:55.41] and2 for the show [00:56.46]来自青岛的台风 [00:57.66]搭配上大明湖的 flow(水流) [00:59.46]1 for the money [01:00.33] and2 for the show [01:01.44] we started from the bottom [01:02.76]哥们从无到有 [01:04.53]1 for the money [01:05.31] and2 for the show [01:06.39]来自青岛的台风 [01:07.56]搭配上大明湖的 flow(水流) [01:08.82]米卡斯给: [01:09.09]从青岛的台风吹到大明湖的 flow [01:11.28]我没你清高所以总嫌得到的还不够 [01:13.77]我 verse浸泡在伴奏里让听众觉得筋道 [01:16.50]洗刷掉那些硬要往圈里靠的病号 [01:19.02] ok说我 boombap没营养,那行吧 [01:21.45]我知道你想听心灵鸡汤还**要带感情的 [01:23.79]我说“能具体点吗,要不您来示范一段行的” [01:26.43]他说“我是网络上帝,你回复我那就是急了” [01:28.68]如今的音乐不再自由,首位的反而是内涵 [01:31.23]像是高考作文诗朗诵再放个 beat当背板 [01:33.78]可是百家争鸣兼收并蓄文化才能运转 [01:36.15]如果介意抄那你为何不把月考分数退还? [01:39.09]我虽然在骂但这不是对谁 diss [01:40.98]没有假想对象,各位也不用退回避 [01:43.41]可能未来没有走起来我也会捶地 [01:45.81]独怆然而涕下但不是为了维密 [01:48.06]米卡斯给: [01:49.08]1 for the money [01:49.80] and2 for the show [01:50.91] we started from the bottom [01:52.26]哥们从无到有 [01:54.00]1 for the money [01:55.08] and2 for the show [01:55.83]贯穿大明湖的 flow(水流) [01:57.24]流到西安钟鼓楼 [01:58.95]1 for the money [01:59.70] and2 for the show [02:00.81] we started from the bottom [02:02.16]哥们从无到有 [02:03.90]1 for the money [02:04.98] and2 for the show [02:05.73]贯穿大明湖的 flow(水流) [02:07.17]流到西安钟鼓楼 [02:08.25] Credit: [02:08.43]一群小*崽子不为行为买单的 [02:10.32]全当哑巴了玩说唱的全删了 [02:12.21]对他们进行无差别的攻击 [02:13.92]装**的 tony montana [02:15.30]快回家吧我押韵押的眼花缭乱无章法 [02:17.82]你找不到我踪迹 [02:19.05]在地下吃不起饭的时候我们拿水充饥 [02:21.48]那时的狐朋狗友现在是我兄弟 [02:23.58]在世人的眼里我们是过街老鼠 [02:25.74]而在同行的眼里我们是上帝老中医 [02:28.32]我开始不停研究中西合并的音乐和地毯式的搜索不做迎合市场的走狗 [02:33.42]我踩着这拍子我摇摇晃晃地跌跌撞撞地想要铲除世道庸医我只在乎今朝有酒 huh [02:39.09]那就今朝醉我唱着醉 flow把 hottie亲到位 [02:42.87]通过你的耳膜五脏六腑心脏胃 [02:45.30]97年的老**现在新上位 [02:48.16] 混音 : Philo 阿哲 [02:51.03] 母带 : Philo 阿哲