"Fighter" is the third single written by Christina Aguilera and Scott Storch for Aguilera's second album Stripped. Released in 2003, the single peaked at number twenty on the Billboard Hot 100, where it became Aguilera's ninth U.S. top-twenty single. "Fighter" also reached number three in the United Kingdom and Canada, and number five in Australia.
"Fighter" is the third single written by Christina Aguilera and Scott Storch for Aguilera's seco更多>
"Fighter" is the third single written by Christina Aguilera and Scott Storch for Aguilera's second album Stripped. Released in 2003, the single peaked at number twenty on the Billboard Hot 100, where it became Aguilera's ninth U.S. top-twenty single. "Fighter" also reached number three in the United Kingdom and Canada, and number five in Australia.