[00:00.000] 作詞 : 你弟小菊
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 無
[00:02.935]but i dont. i hate u
[00:05.935]u just a boy make me laugh at the party once
[00:09.186]and now i loathe the sight of u
[00:11.185]in fact if u come any closer
[00:12.436]if u touch me or anything
[00:14.436]i tink i ll scream
[00:15.686]u r an empty.
[00:20.436]empty hollow shell of a woman
[00:23.436]wth r u doing in my house if u hate me so much
[00:24.436]You ain't nothin' but a dog,
[00:25.936]Cryin' all the time,
[00:29.186]It's time to escape, but I don't know where to hide,
[00:31.687]u see uself in a mist of smoke,
[00:34.436]life becomes a hyena dat i know,
[00:40.686]他們說我太沖 a serious talk
[00:46.187]stay with killa squad才能不起內訌
[00:49.437]一起行動 各有分工 用嘶吼來做溝通
[00:52.187]食草動物的dead body 就是我們的分紅
[00:54.938]Hunger Rage 是我們基本內容
[01:09.688]不過 他們遇到了麻煩)
[01:10.938]You ain't nothin' but a dog,
[01:12.438]Cryin' all the time,
[01:14.438]Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit,
[01:15.438]And you ain't no friend of mine
[01:18.438]Well they said you was high-classed,
[01:20.938]Well, that was just a lie,
[01:23.939]just a lie 這里熱的就像火焰山
[01:24.939]頭頂Sahara desert
[01:53.109]我們學會了智取 放棄了強攻
[01:55.858]想要克敵制勝 五分鐘內搞定
[01:59.109]沒有爛桃花和野鴨梨 過得隨意
[02:01.859]用真皮代替了黃花梨 新舊更替
[02:08.860]殘忍貪婪戾氣 生存的意義是teamwork不是靠你自己
[02:14.610]. . . . . . .