[ar:Jane lala]
[00:03.00](唱)Vocal:Jane lala
[00:26.00]Recorded:SANLE music studio
[00:29.30]following the passing by of time(隨著時間的流逝)
[00:36.30]we getting farther away(我們越來越遠了)
[00:43.00]innocence is always polluted by years(天真總是被歲月污染)
[00:49.00]is destiny(是命運)
[00:56.00]we can never go back again(我們再也回不去了)
[01:02.00]forbidden love(被禁止的愛)
[01:09.00]If only I could stop the flow of time(但愿我能停止時間的流逝)
[01:15.00]I'd do it all again(我會重來一遍)
[01:21.00]AH … … …
[01:40.00]sunrise from here(太陽從這里升起)
[01:43.00]the moon goes down from there(月亮從那里落下)
[01:47.00]memories will never end(記憶將永無止境)
[01:53.30]all the past(所有過去)
[01:56.00]whatever true and false already indifference(真真假假已無所謂)
[02:40.00]the rain of fate attacked us(命運之雨襲擊了我們)
[02:46.00]frozen heart(冰封的心)
[02:53.00]I can not find the words to say my last goodbye(我無法用語言來表達我最后的告別)
[03:11.00]open your heart(敞開心扉)
[03:13.30]starting a new life respective(開啟各自的新生活)
[03:17.30]even if be tipped by sorrow,also be strong to face(即使被悲傷所絆倒,也要堅強面對)
[03:24.10]memory pieces was in the endless peace(記憶碎片在無盡的和平中)
[03:37.10]sunrise ,moonlight disappeared(日出,月光消失了…)
[04:06.30]Vocal:Jane lala
[04:17.00]Produced by Sheng (林瀟生 作品 2018)