Georges Delerue

簡介: Georges Delerue是一位在當代幾乎被遺忘的電影配樂大師,但一旦提到他所配過樂的電影,任何人都會肅然起敬:戈達爾的《輕蔑》,特呂弗的《朱爾和吉姆》、《槍擊鋼琴師》、《最后一班地鐵》,科爾比的《長別離》,阿倫·雷奈的《夜與霧》,梅爾維爾的《瘋狂的世界》,貝爾托魯奇的《隨波 更多>

Georges Delerue是一位在當代幾乎被遺忘的電影配樂大師,但一旦提到他所配過樂的電影,任何人都會肅然起敬:戈達爾的《輕蔑》,特呂弗的《朱爾和吉姆》、《槍擊鋼琴師》、《最后一班地鐵》,科爾比的《長別離》,阿倫·雷奈的《夜與霧》,梅爾維爾的《瘋狂的世界》,貝爾托魯奇的《隨波逐流者》,瓦爾達的《流浪女》以及奧利弗·斯通的《野戰(zhàn)排》等等。Delerue的合作者中包括了一大批世界最杰出的導(dǎo)演,而他本人更是堪稱法國新浪潮電影不可或缺的一份子。
Delerue生于1925年,在進入電影音樂界之前的40到50年代,為一些芭蕾舞劇和一些音樂劇譜寫音樂,在40年間他為200多部電影譜寫了配樂,成為歐洲最多產(chǎn)和受尊重的配樂人之一。70年代Delerue進軍好萊塢并因一部《情定日落橋》獲得葛萊美獎,后又因《上帝的阿格妮絲》獲得一座奧斯卡。 Delerue最后一部作品是1992年為導(dǎo)演Bruce Beresford的Rich in Love譜寫的配樂??上У氖荄elerue突發(fā)心臟病最終倒在了工作室內(nèi),享年67歲。
Georges Delerue (12 March 1925 – 20 March 1992) was a French composer who composed over 350 scores for cinema and television. Delerue won numerous important film music awards, including an Academy Award for A Little Romance (1980), three César Awards (1979, 1980, 1981), two ASCAP Awards (1988, 1990), and one Gemini Award for Sword of Gideon (1987). He was also nominated for four additional Academy Awards for Anne of the Thousand Days (1969), The Day of the Dolphin (1973), Julia (1977), and Agnes of God (1985), four additional César Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, and one Genie Award for Black Robe (1991).
The French newspaper Le Figaro named him "the Mozart of cinema." Delerue was the first composer to win three consecutive César Awards for Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (1979), Love on the Run (1980), and The Last Metro (1981). Georges Delerue was named Commander of Arts and Letters, one of France's highest honours.

Georges Delerue的歌

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