Carpathian Forest

簡介: Carpathian Forest一直被譽為少數(shù)捍衛(wèi)原始黑金屬的挪威樂隊,這只樂隊創(chuàng)立于黑金屬開始風靡的九十年代初,論資歷,也算是與Immortal、Darkthrone同代齊名的黑暗金屬元老。
這算是樂隊改簽法國著名極端金屬廠牌Season of mist之前的一張精 更多>

Carpathian Forest一直被譽為少數(shù)捍衛(wèi)原始黑金屬的挪威樂隊,這只樂隊創(chuàng)立于黑金屬開始風靡的九十年代初,論資歷,也算是與Immortal、Darkthrone同代齊名的黑暗金屬元老。
這算是樂隊改簽法國著名極端金屬廠牌Season of mist之前的一張精選加未發(fā)表作品,有興趣的朋友可以看看重型音樂雜志第7期對他們主唱的采訪。我節(jié)選幾段這家伙的語錄:
“這個樂隊成員之間的溝通和友誼一直很差。我們玩的是黑暗金屬,而這種音樂風格就不需要和友誼扯上任何關(guān)系。這是一個以自我為中心的個人的音樂旅程,每個人都是極度自我的,就他媽的應(yīng)該如此?!?br />“有些采訪和提問實在是太愚蠢了,蠢得不值得我們?nèi)セ卮?。我可不想和一些猴子、綿羊、母牛什么的打交道,哈哈。至于宣傳推廣那要看那些讓我們厭煩的唱片公司如何決定了。我也討厭過多的巡演,但有時我們也不得不這么去做。我真的非常憎恨巡演,但有時這是必須的。每年幾場的演出我還可以接受,太多就不行了。我憎恨公開場合,寧愿獨個呆著。獨自一人讓我覺得很舒服,我討厭人們的嘈雜聲和他們的看法?!?br />“我們的現(xiàn)場可以說是好壞參半吧。這要看演出那天大家的心情如何。有時我們的溝通很差,這會很大程度影響到我們的演出。我討厭排練,我們一般每年只排練一到兩次,這對于我來說已經(jīng)足夠了。我們也許會參加一些金屬節(jié)。我想一到兩個吧,已經(jīng)足夠多了!”
“我不跟隨任何的形式,我們以前所認為的朋克已經(jīng)不存在了。同樣的情形也發(fā)生在死亡金屬和任何一種音樂形式上。當我聽到有人把Slipknot稱做死亡金屬,我就知道有些地方出問題了。我不想再聽到任何新的音樂,我不想聽任何東西?!?br />by Ed Rivadavia
Emerging like ghoulish demons out of the depths of Norway's darkest woods (at least, that's how they would have dreamed it), Carpathian Forest centers around the fearsome duo of Nattefrost (vocals/guitar/bass) and Nordavind (guitar/bass), who first teamed up to compose their dark musical sorcery in the early '90s. A textbook example of so-called "true" black metal in the old-school Scandinavian definition (serious devil worship, pagan rituals, corpse face paint, criminal record recommended), Carpathian Forest recorded a set of fittingly appalling early demos, beginning with 1992's notorious Bloodlust & Perversion tape (reissued on CD in 1997). Quickly becoming a hot item on the underground tape-trading network thanks to its incredibly primitive, lo-fi contents, the demo garnered the new group almost instant cult status, starting them on their path to black metal infamy. After showing a vast technical improvement with the next year's Journey Through the Cold Moors of Svarttjern, the duo scored a deal with the Avant Garde label, for whom they recorded 1995's Through Chasm, Caves and Titan Woods with the help of some local scene friends. The release couldn't have arrived at a more propitious time, as the recent imprisonment of Burzum's Varg Vikernes for the murder of the legendary Mayhem and "Inner Circle" leader Euronymous had left thousands of black metal fans searching for new heroes to worship. Carpathian Forest was as poised to capitalize on the situation as anyone, but the band vanished from sight instead, not be heard from again for nearly three years. The reasons behind this disappearance remain as mysterious as the band itself, but 1998's Black Shining Leather proved to be a surprisingly powerful comeback, making it seem like the band had never been gone at all and featuring a stunning cover of the Cure's "A Forest." Nordavind left the band under reportedly amicable circumstances shortly after the recording of 2000's Strange Old Brew, but Carpathian Forest still plans to forge ahead with its career.

