Jacques Loussier

簡介: 雅克·路西耶(Jacques Loussier)是世界著名爵士樂演奏家。具有傳奇色彩的法國鋼琴家雅克•路西耶(Jacques Loussier),1934年10月出生于法國西北方的一個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)翁熱(Angers),10歲時(shí)正式接觸音樂,并開始學(xué)習(xí)鋼琴。16歲時(shí) 更多>

雅克·路西耶(Jacques Loussier)是世界著名爵士樂演奏家。具有傳奇色彩的法國鋼琴家雅克•路西耶(Jacques Loussier),1934年10月出生于法國西北方的一個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)翁熱(Angers),10歲時(shí)正式接觸音樂,并開始學(xué)習(xí)鋼琴。16歲時(shí),進(jìn)入法國國家音樂學(xué)院深造,師事南特(Yves Nat)教授。雅克目前是蜚聲法國和歐美樂壇的爵士鋼琴好手,并以改編古典大師的作品為爵士風(fēng)格新品最為擅長。以他的姓氏起名的“雅克鋼琴三重奏”已陸續(xù)在環(huán)球Telarc推出了《爵士巴赫》、《爵士四季》、《爵士薩蒂》以及千禧年大碟《哥德堡變奏曲》等著名的跨界作品錄音。他善于用爵士樂的形式演繹經(jīng)典名曲,他用了 40 余年,將這兩種傳統(tǒng)風(fēng)格融合得如水晶般清澈美妙?!堆趴?bull;路西耶爵士三重奏》舉世無雙的把巴赫、海德爾、貝多芬、莫扎特及肖邦的作品改編為爵士樂,并因此享譽(yù)世界。自從 1959 年專輯《演奏巴赫》將跨流派音樂推向頂峰后,它們也被稱為《演奏巴赫三部曲》。此后曾舉辦過 3000 多場音樂會,售出 900 萬張唱片。現(xiàn)在,該三部曲終于在新加坡首次亮相,演出的曲目包括巴赫、德彪西、薩蒂和拉威爾的一些精選作品。 正如《華盛頓郵報(bào)》稱:“路西耶的即興爵士編曲,賦予了音樂全新的感受。”《告示牌》(Billboard)雜志贊譽(yù):“不曾有過如此現(xiàn)代風(fēng)格的古典音樂爵士化精彩演繹。”這真是唱片史上的一個(gè)創(chuàng)舉。
by Heather Phares
Pianist/composer Jacques Loussier demonstrated musical ability at an early age, starting to play at the age of ten and entering the Conservatoire National de Musique in Paris at 16. Loussiers main professor there was Yves Nat, who in turn was encouraged by Faure, Saint-Saens, and Debussy as a student himself. Loussier continued this distinguished tradition, graduating at the top of his class.
After traveling the world as an accompanist, in the late 50s Loussier formed the Play Bach Trio with Pierre Michelot and Christian Garros. The Trio fused Loussiers classical background with his interest in jazz, using Bachs compositions as the basis for improvisation. The group was an immediate success, playing many shows and selling over six million albums in 15 years.
By the end of the 70s, however, the group ran its course and Loussier retired to Provence, spending his days composing and recording at his studio in Miraval, experimenting with electronic and acoustic arrangements. The studio also played host to rock artists like Pink Floyd (including sessions for The Wall), Elton John, and Sting.
1985 marked the 300-year anniversary of Bachs birth, which prompted Loussier to re-form the Play Bach Trio with new members and a wider musical range, adding rock and electronic elements to the basic blend of classical and jazz. Loussier also continued composing through the 80s and 90s, as well as performing pieces by Bach and Ravel live and on albums like 1999s Ravel: Bolero and Bach Book 40th Anniversary Album with his signature jazzy flair. A year later, Take Bach and Music of Debussy were released.

Jacques Loussier的歌

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